Welcome to the world of Executive Coaching
Offering 13 (thirteen) specific Challenges that most companies/ organizations face every day with solutions
The purpose of EXECUTIVE COACHING is to make highly effective team members even more effective , solve specific problems in a timely fashion, identify and train future talent, improve low performers, and build a solid foundation for growth and prosperity.
Invitation to review the 13 (thirteen) Coaching Services and determine which services you could use immediately, and which ones later.

Making every team member relevant, needed, irreplaceable and promotable
About Us

Nikolai Zavadsky discussing Business topics with Governor of Nevada - Brian Sandoval
Nikolai Zavadsky discussing Business topics with Governor of Nevada – Brian Sandoval
Global Bridge of Las Vegas – Premier Innovative Company offering unique set of services to Business owners has partnered with US Safety Institute and GFA today to provide comprehensive solutions for immediate use.
Our managing director has extensive background & experience in sales, marketing, and leadership. He spent 10 years with Biotech Company – Biocare Medical, specializing in cancer diagnostics. As Director of Sales/Marketing, he was responsible for sales revenues increase from $2M to $48M and leading a team of 45 professionals.
This Program will be Managed by Nikolai Zavadsky. After graduating with a BSEE degree from the University of Dayton he entered the field of Technical Sales. With 5 years of successful Sales Career he was recruited to manage a Sales Team at Tektronix in Syracuse NY. After a rough and difficult start (no idea what do and why ) he lead his team to be ranked #2 out of 26 districts for 2 consecutive years. After moving to SF Bay Area he worked with several Silicone Valley companies as a Sales Leader. He later started Global Bridge which specialized in trading with Russia, (made 26 Trips to Russia Far East) selling Food items, computers, and Training. Few years later he was recruited by a Biotech Start up specializing in Cancer Diagnostics. As Director of Sales he managed a Team of 45 Professionals (Inside Sales, Outside Sales, Field Service, Tech Support and Customer Training Center). Under his Leadership Sales Revenues increased from $2M to $48M in 10 years. As a part time hobby he was a Senior Trainer for all of Dale Carnegie Programs (Sales, Advanced Sales Strategies, Management, Leadership and High Impact Presentations) and was ranked in the top 1% of all the trainers worldwide. He also had had the opportunity to live in China, Brazil, Puerto Rico and US. GPS4SALES has a Team of highly experienced and Effective Professionals to provide our clients with Innovative Solutions to any Sales or Business Challenge.


Being CEO is easy
worked yesterday no longer works, more stress and longer hours.
Where do you go to bounce off your ideas, answers, validate, just being listened and dream?
• Your Friends- possible, they could be biased as not to offend you
• Family – they love you and want you to succeed, do they have the knowledge and experience to give you expert advice?
• Strangers on the street or in a bar? Good luck with that, “If you are buying I agree to everything you are saying”
• Professional COACH makes all the difference
After working with many CEO’s, some of the issues they need to address and solve are: (in no particular order)
New Competitors - Future Competitors ?
What new laws affect my business?
Can I find the perfect candidate for open job?
New operational logistic challenges
Financial challenges, cash flow, payroll
Sales , can we improve & How?
High Turnover
Health issues with family, friends, key employees
Morale - what can I do to improve?
Timely critical decision making
Is it time to Sell, Buy or Merge ?
Am I on the right track?
Have I achieved healthy work/ home balance ?
Does my staff trust and respect me?
Can I execute the needed Changes?
Am I making the right investments?
How can I avoid making the same mistakes?
Will tomorrow be a better day? Why?
What skills do I need to improve & when ?
Why my staff doesn't work as hard as I do ?
Why do I procrastinate making critical decisions?
Am I having "FUN"?
What new ideas do I have today?
What keeps me up at night?
What business, management books have I read?
What critical decision I need to make today?
What is my tolerance for " Risk " ?
What mistakes and regrets do I have
What successes have I achieved?
Am I still excited about my company and future?
Can I work smarter, and how?
How can I be more effective Leader ?
Can I delegate more?
How can I be a better communicator ?
Do I have exciting 3 year plan for my company?
Is it time to Re-Set, or Re-Start?
Time to celebrate?
Why do we have so many Drama's at work
How can I solve negativity that is spreading?
How can I be More Pro - Active?
Why are we losing major accounts?
Am I creating a " Learning “organization ?
Why can't my staff work together?
Do l allow company politics to exist ?
Am I approaching " Burnout " ?
Do I inspire and motivate my staff?
What relationships do I need to repair?
What legacy am I leaving ?
In which areas am I vulnerable?
Am I ready to accept and work with a Coach?
You may have more issues that you are dealing with, we are here to help you to solve them.

There could be many reasons for poor performance or decliningperformance.
From our experience we find possible reasons include:
• Burnout
• Personal problems
• Organizational, Time Management
• Stress and Worry
• Lack of Self Confidence to try new skills, or perform
• Procrastination on Decision Making
• Attitude" Whatever"
• Not fully engaged nor committed
• Poor Communication Style
• Poor Work Ethic
•Having many Excuses
• Easily gives up
• Little preparation, likes to" WING IT"
• Don't know what is expected, nor how to do it
• All talk - No ACTION
• Complacency - looks for easy way out
• Damaged Relationships
• Lack of Technical Competence
• Political versus Results
• Loss of Trust and Respect from coworkers, peers, senior
management and team
• Likes to criticize, Condemn or complain
• Not interested in learning new skills
• "I" focused, not Team focused
• Does not relate to company's vision/mission
• Upset because they did not get the promotion
• Thinks they are underpaid-" if I get a raise I will work harder*
We will find the reason or reasons, create a plan of action and provide executive coaching to make improvements

Bad and questionable behaviors destroys careers and causes productivity loss for themselves and people around them. It is rarely that the technical component of the job that slows down career advancement, it is BEHAVIORAL ISSUES. Our Behavioral Coaching will identify the toxic and destructive behaviors and provide a road map for permanent behavior change, resulting in performance improvement and happiness for the whole team.
The 21 Toxic Behavioral improvement plan is based on the book"What for you here, won't get you there" by Marshall Goldsmith.
1. Winning too much
2. Adding too much value
3. Passing judgement
4. Making destructive comments
5. Telling the world how"smart" you are
6. Starting with "NO","BUT" or "HOWEVER"
7. Speaking when angry
8. NEGATIVITY -“ Let me explain why that will not work"
9. Withholding Information
10. Failing to give proper recognition
11. Claiming credit that we don't deserve
12. Making Excuses
13. Clinging to the past
14. Playing favorites
15. Refusing to express regret
16. Not Listening
17. Faling to express Gratitude
18. Punishing the messenger
19. Passing the buck
20. An excessive need to be" me"
21. Accepting Feedback - Skill that separates near
      Great from the GREAT
44 DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS by Nikolai Zavadsky
Always late for meetings, reports and Xmas party
Poor Body language
Lack of Self Confidence in critical areas
Criticizes, Condemns and Complains everything
Negativity Generator
Stubborn, does not listen , always right
Moody, one day hot, next day cold
Destructive Attitude “ WHATEVER "
Lack of Motivation, does minimum , never extra
Zero Contribution at meetings
Argumentative, easily Annoyed
Crisis and Drama Generator
Avoids extra work, looks for easy way out
" WINGING IT " is the answer
Overwhelmed with work and life
Complains about having too much work
Gives up easily
No Follow Up
Plays Political Games
Gets Defensive easily and often
Looks and acts Nervous, avoids eye contact
Picks fights and disagreements often
Drinks at company events
Shows Unhappiness every day
Compliments previous company“ did it better“
Strictly 8 to 5
Thinks he/she is the STAR Employee
Avoids learning new skills
Thinks company will fail if he/she leaves
Makes bad decisions
Easily distracted
Always thinks" WIFM "What's in it for me
Annoyed at being interrupted
Blames every one for poor performance
Many personal phone calls, time off, emails
Don't know, Don't care about company vision
Loss of self Trust and Respect
Disorganized, work space, car, life
Does not like challenges
Not open to feedback
Makes statements " why can't we be more like xx"
Thinks they can do better job than CEO
This is a comprehensive list that holds people back, annoys co-workers, makes a difficult environment for team to be their Best, and diminishes creativity and performance.
Breaking old habits is not easy, we found a way to make it simpler, faster and more efficient.

You made a difficult decision to place one of your team members on NOTICE - giving them 30 to 90 days to improve, if no improvement is made they will be leaving the company.
Could there a few team members that are worth saving?
Do they have the Right Attitude, and just need some 911 Coaching?
In few cases we have seen 180" degree turnaround when given a second
chance, and they became more loyal and productive.
If for some reason they don't pass the 30 to 90 days test, they will appreciate your efforts to save them and you know that you have done everything possible to improve the situation

Our specialized Coaching Practice will Focus on your TOP 20% - they are already performing well above average.
1. Can they learn and practice new critical skills that will set them apart ?
2. Can they perform at even higher level if given new tools and road maps ?
3. Which Executives will be part of your Succession Plan with our Executive Coaching ?
4. Which Executives will be able to Adapt , Learn and apply tomorrow’s skills ?
5. Which Executives will take your company to exciting next level ?
6. A small 5% performance increase may equal 500% performance increase for average employee - High ROI
7. The key
to your company’s future is here
Our Unique Coaching Service will Focus on the Following Topics
1. Corporate Politics - makes of breaks careers. Very few coaches will talk about this- we will
2. Communications Skills for the Digital Age
3. Public Speaking and making High Impact Presentations
4. Selling your ideas in meetings
5. Decision Making - avoiding mistakes and making 51% ++ correct calls
6. Gaining Trust and Respect from peers, staff and senior managers
7. Build and lead your “ A Team that consistently performers"
8. Solving difficult Employee, Peers and Senior Management Issues
9. Effective Facilitation Skills
10. Planning and Execution of Plans
11. Making a Positive Impact
12. Flexibility - Ability to Change Quickly
13. Dealing with Failures ( yours and your staff’s )
14. Mastering Innovation Processes
15. Opportunity Hunting Mind Set
16. Forwards Thinking - Global Impact
17. Adapting to new technologies ( AI, Robotics, Cybersecurity , Drones etc )
18. Creating Unusual Alliances
19. Advanced Leadership Skills
20. Developing Winning Habits
21. Risk Assessment Exercises
22. Self Development Plan - yours and your team’s
23. Mastering Conflict Management
24. Become Needed , Relevant, Irreplaceable and Promotable
26. Living a Balanced ( work/ life ) and “ No “ Excuse Life to the fullest

Our Coaching Service helps to identify potential employees that has the potential to be your future STARS.
We will prepare them with a specific "Fast Track" which will include training, mentoring, new assignments, tests and Coaching.
It ill be a joy to watch them rise to the challenge, start producing at a higher level, more visible, and getting ready for additional responsibilities.

First-Time Managers will quickly find out that the Sales Skills that got him/her promoted are very different from the skills required to Maximize this opportunity.
Few facts to consider:
• 40% of First-Time Managers will Fail within 18 months
• Only 5% of First-Time Managers will exceed Senior Managers expectations
• Most industries experience 50%+ turnover in Sales Hires within 24 months
• On average it takes 3 to 5 years for First-Time Manager to be between Semi to fully Effective
• It is more difficult to recruit star performers when the Manager is semi-effective
• Semi-Effective Managers will experience above average turnover and will not be able to maximize Sales Opportunities
• The Skills that got you promoted or noticed are different from what you will need to Successfully Lead a Team
• You will also hear "Why you and not me." Transition from being their friend to Leading them as a team is challenging, and that is why very few excel at this.
Typical honeymoon period for First-Time Managers is very short. They don't start with being asked to solve easy problems first and a few years later more complex issues. On Day 1, they are expected to perform by solving the following challenges and situations.
Coaching - how, when, and why
Sales Metrics, what to look for and understand what metrics don't show
90 day sales plan - 1 Year Sales Business Plan
Measuring the quality of your team, is it good enough to handle challenges?
Managing High Egos
Handling HR issues in a timely manner
Handling Negativity
Performing SWOT Analysis
Team Improvement Plan - Training, Coaching, Mentoring, Outside Vendor?
Compensation Plan - is it Fair, motivational, does it support desired behavior
Managing "Change" Successfully
Sales Quotas/Objectives - follow the 90/115 plan
Recruiting, Interviewing, Training and Retention Plan - is it working?
Sales Meetings - solving why 90% of Salespeople do not like meetings
Communicating with Senior Managers Effectively
Making sure that Sales Efforts are in Sync with Marketing
Managing Trade Shows and Special Events
Managing Leads and Follow up plan to maximize new business opportunities
Selling CRM Implementation, not to be used to Micro Manage
Managing Expectations
Conducting Effective Performance Reviews
Handling complains from your team , co-workers or customers
Handling Sales Cancellations, non performance issues or Lawsuits
Solving Complex Issues
Managing Expense Reports Policy and Administration
Solving Behavioral issues at inception
Solving Account and Territory disputes
Negotiations Skills with Customers and Internal Team
Provide Sales, Product and Soft Skills Training for Your Team
Having Difficult Conversations
Gaining Support from Senior Managers for your ideas
Motivating and Providing Inspiration for your Team
Consequences for missing Sales Targets/Objectives
3 Reasons to Travel or Observe your Salespeople on Sales Calls
How to Deliver Bad News to your team
Solving High Turnover and Morale issues
Earning Trust from your Salespeople
Time Management and Productivity tools for you and your team
Recovering after major loss
Being Confident in Decision Making
Developing Performance Standards, KPI or PRD
Create Positive Culture for your Team
Making yourself more Valuable to your Organization
Create Balance in six areas
Knowing the difference between Leadership and Management
Celebrate Wins and Successes - when and how
Learn to have Fun being a First Time Manager
Having Plan "B" - Key to Survival
Most jobs provide a 90 day ramp up period, as an example: customer service reps will handle easier calls, salesperson's quota is lower, accounting rep will handle simpler tasks during the probationary 90 days. Not so for the FIRST TIME MANAGER.
Do you really expect a First-Time Manager to Master the Skills to Solve these Challenges after attending a 3 day Management Training? And yet this is what is expected from this critical position. Perhaps this is why 40% of First-Time Managers Fail within 18 months and only 5% achieve Excellence. Studies show that people attending Training Seminars will forget 75% of what was covered within 7 days and 90% in 2 weeks. Learning by Trial And Error is very Expensive in Lost Sales, Morale, Retention, and Health due to Stress.
Our Comprehensive Program Solves these problems by providing the needed Coaching, Training, Mentoring, Skill Building Exercises and New Ideas.

If your team is "STUCK" and not being effective as it should be, good time to try out our" Team Coaching Program"
Some of the areas we will evaluate, ask additional and explore:
1. What are the " roadblocks" to productivity
2. Group dynamics - Chemistry, Toxic Behavioral
3. Commitment Level
4. Do we have the right people on the bus / team
5. What are the knowledge, experience and skill level of team members
6. Do we have the" Right" Leader
7. Do we have the right goals, metrics - are they achievable and fair
8. What is the lever of support from Senior Managers
9. What is the end game, finish time frame
10. Is this really important, what would happen if you dissolve this team
Once we have have some of the answers, will create a plan of action and start our Team Coaching Process.

The 20% that could be the Difference between PROFIT and LOSS.
Every Company and Organization has a 20% problem, meaning that the bottom 20% of the workforce is draining your profits due to their very low productivity.
It's like Elephant in the room
, the easy solution is to ignore and "hope" that the bottom 20% wakes up and start performing tomorrow. We know that" HOPE" is not a strategy.
Our Coaching team will work with your management to identify which employees are worth saving, showing some potential and employees that have little potential and will need to put on Notice - 30 to 90 day PIP (Performance Improvement Plan), or let go. For once valued employees, take a look at" Termination with Dignity" section..
Our coaching service will include working with employees that have potential and exhibited good Attitude, and selected employees that are on" PIP" plan.
This will result in a WIN / WIN situation, your employees will appreciate your efforts to improve the situation and you will know that you have done everything possible.
1. Save $$ on Payroll and stop draining your profits.
2. Employees that start producing are more committed and loyal because you gave them a second chance.

Of all the professions - SALES is the most transparent, we know exactly which salesperson sold the most, met sales targets and who did not perform.
SALES is measured by Sales RESULTS - Not EXCUSES
Most companies face the challenges such as:
** Dealing with non-performing salespeople or teams
** Average turnover rate among salespeople is 34% - "Involuntary"
** On average only 67% of sales reps are making their quotas
** 89% of salespeople leave due deficient compensation plans
** 60% to 80% leave due to lack of connection with Leadership or poor Leadership
** 75% leave because of concerns about company ability to meet market demands
** Average Tenure is 1.8 years even with Meta, Google, Oracle, Apple & Twitter
** On average it takes 5 years for the company to recover from high performer 25+ year veteran leaving that has unique knowledge and contacts with major accounts
** 40% of First Time Sales Managers FAIL within the first 12 months
This is a Huge EXPENSE - We specialize in SALES EXPENSE REDUCTION
To Solve these problems you will need a Coach that understands SALES, how the salespeople think, what motivates them and what holds them back from performing.
Reasons for considering SALES COACHING
** High ROI - We Coach, salespeople sell more
** Most Sales Managers do not have the Time nor Skills to provide effective sales Coaching. They are fighting Fires, Closing large opportunities, Interviewing new salespeople, Focusing on Trend Analysis, Next year Budgets, Sales Forecasting, New Market Analysis, Solving Complex Problems, Solving Sales Morale issues, and trying to create sales friendly culture.
** Sales Training is what you need to become a salesperson. Sales COACHING is what you need to become a high producing Sales Star. We combine Sales Training (If Needed) with Sales Coaching for higher ROI.
** Most Salespeople attending a Sales Training Program will Forget 50% of what was covered within the next 24 hours. Sales Skills are developed by combining Training with Coaching - allowing the salespeople to " Practice" with Sales Coach before possibly risking loosing the opportunity with major account.
** Many salespeople feel uneasy about asking their sales manager for advice regarding specific account. They feel that they are showing" weakness" to the sales manager, for something they should know how to do. Sales Coaching solves that problem.
**. Ideal Situation - we work closely with your VP of Sales, and become an extension of him/her by providing training, coaching to the sales team. We will also provide valuable feedback on the individual salespeople that the Sales Manager may not be able to get

One of the hardest decisions a manager has to make is TERMINATING a once Valued Employee. Perhaps their skills is not a good fit for what the company needs today.
Terminating a Long Term Once Valued employee is deviating to the employee that will change his/her life forever.
The" DIGNITY" part is to offer Professional Coaching Service which will include:
1. Provide Coaching, Listening and Support in this difficult time
2. Rebuild their Self Confidence and Self Esteem
3. Explore career directions
4. Decide on 2 to 3 possible careers or stay in the same career
5. Create a powerful resume with cover letter that gets attention
6. Develop a job hunting strategy and plan, in addition to responding to job ads
7. Provide" Interview Prep" - by role playing and answering difficult questions, including "What happened after XX years with your last company"?
8. Develop a follow up strategy
9. Celebrate Success
10. Provide a 90 day roadmap after acceptance of the job offer to insure success and excelling during the probation period
This could take 3 to 6 months depending on the level of the employee.
END RESULT: The employee is Happy
about the new company and position - Avoiding possible LAW SUITS or more drastic action that the fired employee may take.

This focuses for individuals that want to have a life outside of work.
Our LIFE COACHING may include:
1. Relationships outside of work, family, friends, neighbors - does it need improvement ?
2. Managing and reducing STRESS and WORRY
3. Living a Balanced Life - work/ home lifestyle
4. Financial, budget, investments and savings
5. Retirement plans
6. Solving Life Problems
7. Communications skills for the Digital age with Family, Friends and others
8. Repairing mistakes and bad decisions
9. Repairing critical relationships
10. Re-Energizing Home Life
11. Goal Setting in 6 critical areas
12. Self Motivation Secrets
13. Handling Negativity in Life
14. Living a self fulfilling life
15. Handling Health Issues
16. Breaking bad habits and developing new healthy habits
17. Handling alcohol and drug use
18. Organizing your life - 5 steps
19. Making important decisions without procrastination
20. Living a" No Excuse" Life
21. Having Fun
We all know that Happy Home Life makes employees more productive, committed, confident, creative and fun to work with.